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Saturday, June 22, 2002 ( 7:45 PM ) Heather - I had a really good day today. I spent the day with Andrew, Claire and Chris. We went to Pancakes on the Rocks for breakfast (and I had the Chocolate Jewels. Next time, I swear I'll just get a medium stack) and then we wandered around the Rocks, looking at the markets and marvelling at the tourists. We went to the MCA for the Biennale, a festival of contemporary art. It was great fun. My favourite pieces were Susan Hillier's Witness 2000, an Audio Sculpture which consisted of a large room filled with small speakers dangling from the ceiling, all with people babbling in their own language. The ones in English were all about UFO experiences, but I can't vouch for the other languages. There were some languages there that I'd never heard before, they sounded as if they had no vowels. My other favourite was Paul Noble's work. His giant pencil drawings of Nobson Newtown, a wonderfully dystopic town with no inhabitants other than himself, fascinate me. I've begun searching the web to try and find the rest of his work; not all of the Nobson pieces were at the museum, so I feel as if the experience is unfinished. I have managed to track down the Biennale's blurb on him, which includes a Nobson picture which I didn't see at the MCA, and a much more enlightening article about him. I would love to get my hands on a copy of his book, so if anyone has a spare $90, I'd be happy to help out. £20 would do it too. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is on, I think I shall have to watch it. Attempting to create archives, please stand by. # Friday, June 21, 2002 ( 7:37 PM ) Heather - Yesterday, while showing my little sister my blog, I noticed that half my volume is from the last 3 days. So I swore not to post again last night. However, I started a NotePad file, in order to relieve my cravings. I'm actually considering another blog just for online tests. The thing is, I keep finding new ones that are actually good. Or perhaps they just seem good to me. I think it's time for me to move my arse and get me some archives going. Possibly by begging the lovely sonia for help via icq. So, I have more online tests, roughly in order of how good I think they are. Yeah, me talk good. Syntax good my is.
And now: The Shabby Ones.
I think the end of the online test obsession might be near, since I'm now able to distinguish between good and shabby tests. # Thursday, June 20, 2002 ( 8:31 PM ) Heather - My calves are achey. It's a good sort of achey, the kind you have after a good stretch, but I find I have it virtually all the time now - I've discovered that I actually like exercise. I have always liked walking, but refused to call it exercise, because that suggested that I did it only for health reasons, whereas I was doing it purely because I enjoyed it. Today, when I was at work I found there was nothing I wanted more than to go for a run. So does that mean I shouldn't call it exercise, using my previous criteria, because I do it because I enjoy it? It strikes me as a fair bit like saving money, something I recently acquired a taste for - once you start doing it, you don't miss the money (or lazing time) that you had before, and it's rather pleasant to think how much money you have in the bank, or how much you've strengthened your calves. Today, the jerkness of my boss was pretty average. I went to get a letter from his office, and he handed me a plate to take out too. Which made me mutter "I'm not a bloody waiter... I'd be getting paid better if I was a waiter," while I went to dump the plate in the sink. However, this was the kind of tanty about boss-jerkness that is most unsatisfying, because it made me feel like I was just being a psycho, rather than being filled with righteous anger. I watched a Harry Potter teaser here, and now I'm even more jampy for the second film to come out. 28th of November, countdown begins now. In the teaser, it sounds a lot like Daniel Radcliffe's voice is broken, which would be a bit odd, but inevitable really. Since Harry turned 11 just prior to the start of the Hogwarts school year, that means at the start of the fifth book, he should be 15. If it were strictly true to life, there would be considerable puberty action by this time, especially with the girls, but that's something J K Rowling can conveniently ignore, although it is immediately obvious in the films. Having stated my jampiness, I should probably add that Chamber of Secrets is my least favourite Harry Potter book, by far. # ( 7:20 PM ) Heather - I seem to have entered a strange new world of online tests. Having done the ones that made little sense, I am left only with the outright bizarre, and the injoke-alicious.
( 7:09 PM ) Heather - ![]() ( 7:56 AM ) Heather - I so don't want to go to work today. I slept really badly last night - it was one of those nights when you're not quite warm enough, so you can't sleep properly, but it's too cold to get up and get another blanket. So I'm tired. In addition, my boss is a jerk. I shall post about his jerkness tonight. # Wednesday, June 19, 2002 ( 9:32 PM ) Heather -
( 9:31 PM ) Heather - Heh, heh. That Cruel Intentions quiz reminds me of when I saw that film. I took an impromptu rest day off school with a friend, and we saw it in town. We sat near the back of a near-empty, small cinema. I had bought a pack of those Cookies and Cream Kisses, and when I opened the back, they flew EVERYWHERE. By the time I'd tracked them all down, and apologised to the people who had been hit with them, the film was about to start. # ( 9:22 PM ) Heather - ![]() You are Ani Difranco! Self-obsessed and self-possessed,you are a strong woman with a social conscience, who centers her life around her art. You pour your life experience and passion into your art, presenting ideas that resonate deep in the souls of others. Take the "Which Empowered Female Artist Are You" Quiz made by # ( 9:15 PM ) Heather - ![]()
( 9:02 PM ) Heather - Second instalment of my Pride and Prejudice fanfic is up now here. On Tuesday night at Flodge, I had my copy of Mansfield Park on the table, and there ensued a rather heated communal bitch-slap of Jane Austen. I was shocked at the weight of public opinion against her. As usual, the main charges laid at her door were that her books are 'formulaic', and 'unoriginal'. Soon, I'm going to gather myself a spiel explaining exactly why very few books are original. If a writer is to use common, accepted narrative structure (characters are introduced, problem presents itself, problem is solved, conclusion) then there are very few things that can be different. It happens that, in Jane Austen's time, the most pressing matters for ladies to worry about were making good marriages, maintaining a good household, and minding everybody else's business. So, naturally, her books are formulaic, just like everybody else's. If she were to use a structure other than the accepted one, it is quite likely that her detractors would accuse her of being unreadable. The other thing people said was that she focussed too much on small details. "Three pages on the drapes... I don't care about the drapes!" I've never found any detailed descriptions of drapes, I think the scenes are actually quite open to interpretation. And the people who bitched about this will defend Tolkien to the death, and I believe Tolkien is guilty of skewed focus far more than Austen. And he uses the typical quest format. # ( 5:32 PM ) Heather - A couple of weeks ago I had a day where I went through and used every 'Name Generator' I could find. Here are some of the results: The Oz Prison Bitch Name Generator The Ya-Ya Name Generator The Louis Farrakhan African Name Generator The Hobbit Name Generator The Elf Name Generator The Viking Name Generator The Pagan Name Generator Instant Tough Name Generator Pirate Name Generator Tuesday, June 18, 2002 ( 4:42 PM ) Heather - I received 16 acts of cunnilingus today. Not bad. Should keep me going for a few days. Thanks to Gem and Dave for that. 'Give the gift of giving head'. I love my oral sex donation button. # ( 10:52 AM ) Heather - ![]() As if you didn't know that already. # ( 10:00 AM ) Heather - I'm starting to think I do too many personality tests. Just when my blog seems full of them, I find I have more saved as notepad files from times pre-blog (PB, I guess), or when my blog has been stuffing up. But now I keep finding more, and every time somebody draws attention to them on the sutekh list, I do them. Then a lot of the images fail to come up, like Yoda, the Gryphon and Bradd Pitt in the Inner Vampire Test. But now, I've found more tests, and I shall have to post them. ![]() What Psych-Ward do you belong to?
( 9:41 AM ) Heather - ![]() The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz ![]() Take the "What World Of Darkness Denizen Am I? Test" here. ![]() Which Rock Chick Are You? ![]() Take the Are you a slutbag? Test. ( 9:37 AM ) Heather - Yoda's not working :( And it was a great picture, too. # ( 9:34 AM ) Heather - I fixed my little boxey thing ---> Thanks to Sonia for her wonderful icq guidance. I hope to have further boxey things, at some point, but I think one thing at a time is enough. # Monday, June 17, 2002 ( 9:51 AM ) Heather - Interesting. In one day, in two separate tests, I've been told that my emotion is contentment, but my sin is anger. Does that strike anyone else as a bit fucken crazy? Oh yeah, and both those tests were at the same site. # ( 9:50 AM ) Heather - ![]() You are 30% evil! [?] You're still on the good side of 50%, but you're gaining on it. You're not as good as you should be, but you're good ALMOST all of the time. There's only an occasional time when evil takes over you, but when it does...
# ( 9:45 AM ) Heather -
( 9:43 AM ) Heather - ![]() I'm Nadia from Birthday Girl! Which Nicole Kidman are you? Find out! ![]() Find your emotion! Sunday, June 16, 2002 ( 6:26 PM ) Heather - Aargh! I just posted the first part of my pride and prejudice fanfic. You can read it here if you so choose. I get so anxious about other people reading my stuff. I don't desire their approval, I just feel weird about it. Abby, the younger sister, has been helping me with it. Thanks Abby. The older sister has not yet read it, has been forbidden to in fact, because she brings the smack-down without realising it. She is, however, allowed to read it when it's posted. But not to talk to me about it. Neuroses, fun for all the family. It's quite strange, I've been getting on really well with Abby. We've been going running from time to time, and yesterday we bought a basketball. # Thursday, June 13, 2002 ( 7:50 PM ) Heather - I handed in my last essay today. It was for my Special Studies in English course, and it was worth 65%, which I consider pretty heinous. Of course, with any essay, I will read until I find some obscure corner of the topic that interests me. The essay today was on The Effects of Nineteenth Century Literacy upon English Literary History. And, if I may say so myself, it was a damn fine essay. And now I'm free! Six weeks of reading, spending time with my Andrew and not having to write more essays! Huzzah! # ( 7:45 PM ) Heather - ![]() :: how jedi are you? :: # Tuesday, June 11, 2002 ( 3:09 PM ) Heather - 15 I act like I'm 15. Monday, June 10, 2002 ( 8:06 PM ) Heather - Strangely, reading about literacy during the 19th century inspired me to write some Pride and Prejudice fanfic. I know, shame, shame, whatever. Yeah, and probably watching the series on Saturday helped. What, it's only 5 hours long, that's a fine way to spend a day! I'll link to it when I'm done. # Friday, June 07, 2002 ( 6:25 PM ) Heather - Well, I certainly make it obvious when I have essays to write, don't I? # ( 6:24 PM ) Heather - My insulting name is Horsefather Llamawhacker! My Mormon name is MeleKatherine Heavenly Melanie! ( 6:16 PM ) Heather - ![]() Take the Affliction Test Today! # ( 6:00 PM ) Heather - ![]() Which annoying B-list celebrity are you? # ( 5:58 PM ) Heather - ![]() Which Colossal Death Robot Are You? # ( 5:57 PM ) Heather - ![]() Which Evil Criminal are You? # Tuesday, June 04, 2002 ( 10:12 AM ) Heather - ![]() What Type of Villain are You? mutedfaith.com / <º> ( 10:08 AM ) Heather - ![]() Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit mutedfaith.com. [Me.] ( 10:05 AM ) Heather - ![]() find your element at mutedfaith.com. <º> ( 10:01 AM ) Heather - ![]() Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at mutedfaith.com. [Angel.] ( 9:44 AM ) Heather - ![]() Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel. # Monday, June 03, 2002 ( 2:55 PM ) Heather - ![]() ( 2:55 PM ) Heather - I've lately developed a bit of an obsession with pineapple soda. The yellow 'fanta' one will do, but I think I prefer the subtler flavours, and cheaper price of Schweppes Traditional Pineapple. Scratch that, I just had some and it tasted like plastic. I suppose it could've been the cup. Skanky artificial pineapple fanta next time. # ( 2:37 PM ) Heather - I Am A: Lawful Good Elf Ranger Fighter Alignment: Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs. Race: Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance. Primary Class: Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy. Secondary Class: Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer. Deity: Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head. Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of ![]() So there you go. I must say, I generally loathe elves, and have little patience with projectile weapons. I suppose I might be lawful good... it would seem I'm not terribly bad-ass. Sigh. # Saturday, June 01, 2002 ( 3:51 PM ) Heather - I found out this morning that start, who provide my whirlygig@punkmail.com address, is closing down tomorrow. Which is a bit of a shitter. If anyone wants to offer me oral sex (until I change the address on the button), chocolate, or advice on how to make the Harry Potter DVD-ROM features work, please send it to this address. # ( 3:28 PM ) Heather - The last few times I've tried to update here, just when I was about to hit 'Post', the computer has come up with a beastly "ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION! FUCK YOU!" message and closed the whole thing. I considered typing this in NotePad, which is what I usually do when I'm shitted off with explorer, but I couldn't be arsed. And so now we have a tedious, self-referential post instead of the witty and insightful comments I tried to post a couple of days ago, and now I can't remember. # |