A/N:  Once again, these characters aren’t mine.  In addition, I believe that the ‘walking in on your friend in the shower’ plot has been in every sitcom, ever.  No infringements intended.  And thanks to all my wonderful reviewers!  Just warning you, the next instalment might take a bit longer to get up and running.  I have essays out the wazoo at the moment.



The following day was horrible for everyone at the Burrow.  It seemed that Ron and Hermione were having another one of their fights, only this time they weren't giving each other the silent treatment.  There was no resentment between them, none of the righteous indignation that had been the hallmark of their fights in the past.  They weren't even bringing up the fight again and again, in a vain attempt to prove themselves right.  No, they just weren't making eye contact, weren't talking except when necessary ("Pass the potatoes, Ron,") and weren't spending more time in each other's presence than was absolutely necessary.


When they retired at the end of the day, Harry and Ginny had both decided (quite independently of each other) to find out what had happened.


"It was awful, Harry."


"What was?"


"I saw her naked." Ron was blushing a brilliant crimson at the very memory.


"Oh come on, Ron, she's not that bad."


"You know that's not what I mean!"


"So you liked it, then?" Harry seemed to be having a great deal of fun at his friend's expense.


"No! Well, maybe.  Will you stop being such a git, Harry?"


"Alright, then.  What's the matter?  You can tell your Uncle Harry." Ron had a suspicion he was still being mocked, but decided to continue anyway.


"I feel like such an idiot!  I sometimes get up early in the mornings - it's about the only time you can guarantee some time in the bath, especially when we've got visitors.  Apparently Hermione had the same idea.  And now she hates me," Ron declared.


"Because you're a peeping tom?  Don't worry, Hermione doesn't hate you.  These things happen."


"I'm not sure she sees it that way, Harry.  She barely spoke to me today."


"I think you'd be acting pretty funny too, if Hermione had seen you naked." A fresh flush spread over Ron's face and neck at the very thought.


"Oh, bloody hell," Ron moaned.



Down a flight of stairs, another conversation was taking place.


"It wasn't that bad, really..." Hermione trailed off, gazing out Ginny's tiny window down to the river.  "I think he only saw my bum."


"Did you slap him?  You should have.  Someone needs to teach him to knock," Ginny suggested enthusiastically.  Hermione ignored the suggestion.


"I was mostly just shocked that there was someone there.  It could've been much worse - what if it was Percy?" Hermione shook her head at the idea, but Percy was away on some kind of diplomatic mission.  "I mean, it's not like I was dying for him to see my bum, but the worst part was how embarrassed he was.  I thought he was going to cry," she confided.  "How can I tell him that it's no big deal, when he's convinced he's lost my friendship for life?"


"Well, how would you be acting if you'd walked in on him?" Hermione groaned and made to smother herself with the pillow.




The next day, Hermione found herself at a bit of a loose end.  Fred and George were visiting Lee Jordan, so she and Ron were watching as Harry and Ginny played Wizard's Chess.  The match didn't seem to be going anywhere fast.


"I think I might go for a bit of a walk," Hermione ventured.


"It's a lovely day for it dear," came the response from Mrs. Weasley, who seemed to be engaged in some kind of cleaning procedure involving the kitchen table.  "Ron, why don't you go with her?  You can show her the river," she added.


Ron gulped and nodded his assent, while Hermione, who had in fact been looking forward to some time alone, felt she could not politely refuse.


And so it was that they walked in silence through a meadow.


"Well, this certainly is awkward." Hermione had been intending to come up with some kind of icebreaker, but this was apparently the best she could do.


"Listen, Hermione, I am so sorry about what happened.  You know I didn't do that on purpose, right?"


"Of course not!  But it's my fault, really.  I forgot to lock the door.  I'm not angry with you, Ron."


"You're not?"


"No.  Like I told Ginny, it's not like I was dying to flash you my bum, but-"


"Wait, you told Ginny?"


"Yes.  Just like you told Harry." Ron looked at his shoes.


"I don't know how you know about that.”


"Ve eff vays," Hermione assured him, and the reference was totally lost on him.  "Muggle thing.  Oh, this is pretty!"


"Yep.  This is the river.  We could go for a swim later, if you like."


"Nah, I think I might just hop in now." And with that, she began to strip. 


Ron gulped and looked at his shoes again. "Hermione, my mum'd kill me..."